Dec 5, 2009

15 Eccentric Statues from Around the World

A collection of weird and eccentric statues around the world.

                              Stockholm, Sweden

                              Cheltenham, UK

                              "The passing" - Wroclaw, Poland

                              "The melting cow" - Budapest

                              Statue of Franz Kafka - Prague

                             "The magic tap" appears to float in the sky. Actually, there is a pipe
                              hidden in the stream of water - Aqualand, Gadiz

                              "The hanging rhino" - Potsdam, Germany

                              Vigelands Parken - Oslo, Norway

                              De Vaartkapoen - Brussels, Belgium

                              Bukcheon Museum - Seoul, Korea

                              Ernst & Young Building - Los Angeles


                              Salt Lake City

                              Springfield, Missuri

                              "The Shark" - 2 New High Street, Headington, Oxford

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