Nov 9, 2009

Shapeshifting Gadgets

The Locust Folding bike
Main feature of the design is the circular frame. It allows unusual folding. The user can leave her/his car at the parking outside of the city center and then continue riding bike loaded in the trunk. Locust gives new meaning to the term "park and ride".

Zweistil - Have one drive two
Designed by Stefan Wallmann, it is essentially a human powered vehicle that can be shape-shifted from an ordinary to a recumbentbicycle while driving.The frame can be shifted from high to low by simply shifting the rider’s weight (leaning backwards), after he or she pushes a lever to unlock the frame, while the frame geometry gets fixed again by releasing the lever.

Robot-like lamp that adjusts to its environment
A design concept from Chris Natt. Stimuli 3.0 is a shape-shifting device that measures ambient light and adjusts its illumination accordingly, using a three-axis gearbox.


BMW Gina car: a real time shape shifting fabric and wire frame fully drivable concept car.


Morphable Furniture
Reed Crawford's latest furniture piece promises shape-shifting fun with its interlocking pieces. Even if you're not in need of seating, the "Morphable Furniture" can also be used as shelving, table, and flooring.

Shape shifting sofa
Yu Ying Wu, a Taiwanese designer, awarded international recognition for her creative design on “breathing sofa”, a shape shifting sofa that will transform back to its original shape after user leaves the seat.

Morpho transforms from a wristwatch to a table-clock. When the watch is in its case, the magnifier on the surface of the package magnifies the dial of the watch hence transforming it into a table clock, allowing the users to see the time from distance. When the watch is worn, the packaging can be reused as a photo frame by placing a picture under the magnifier.



 Time Cube
The idea is that the cube is actually made up of triangles that rotate to tell you the current time. The largest triangle shows you the hours, while the middle one shows minutes, and the one spins like a second hand.

Eye Lamp
When closed, it becomes a spherical piece of art, and when opened, it turns into a reading lamp.


1 comment:

Daniel said...

Sooo... this is soooo cool. Where can I get one?